All people deserve to breathe clean air
The Nevada Tobacco Control & Smoke-free Coalition believes that all residents and visitors should be protected from the dangers of secondhand smoke by strong, comprehensive laws that guarantee clean indoor air.
As the global COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the focus on respiratory health, Nevada must protect the health of all employees and guests by removing the exemptions that allow those who work in and visit locations like casinos, age-restricted bars, and adult entertainment venues to be exposed to the toxins of secondhand smoke. As the law stands now, nearly 40% of Nevada’s workforce is left out of the clean indoor air protections that most people now take for granted.
The evidence
In 2006, the U.S. Surgeon General released a report warning that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Since that release, there have been dozens of studies confirming and documenting the dangers of exposure, including a 2009 Institute of Medicine report that concluded smoke-free laws reduce heart attacks.
Additionally, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), the leading experts on ventilation, issued a report in July 2020 re-stating that the “only means of effectively eliminating health risk associated with indoor exposure is to ban smoking activity. No other engineering approaches, including current and advanced dilution ventilation or air cleaning technologies, have been demonstrated or should be relied upon to control health risks from secondhand smoke exposure in spaces where smoking occurs. Because of ASHRAE’s mission to act for the benefit of the public, it encourages elimination of smoking in the indoor environment as the optimal way to minimize secondhand smoke exposure.”
Let them know you support removing exemptions to the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act.