Tobacco retailers play an important
role in protecting children.


Selling tobacco to those under 21 in retail settings in Nevada is illegal. Tobacco retailers play an important role in protecting children and adolescents by complying with the law and regulations.

Unfortunately, tobacco retailers are selling tobacco products to youth (under 21 years) in Nevada at an all-time high, reaching an alarming 30% failure rate during compliance checks.

For retailers, this means fines and penalties for both the person who made the sale and the licensee. Repeated violations can cost retail licensees thousands of dollars and increase employee turnover.

For the state, this failure rate means Nevada is out of compliance with the federal Synar program requirement of less than 20%. The state is at risk of facing monetary and programmatic penalties of 10% of the state’s $17 million Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPTA) Block Grant funds as a result of this non-compliance. SAPTA funds numerous programs in the state including behavioral and mental health counseling and treatment, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs, homelessness services, and crisis services, to name a few.